The murder of Gary M. Wysocki and his wife Betty, Animal Control Officers of Washington Boro, New Jersey 07882.
Mauricio CalverCarone, Frank Calzon, Ernesto Diaz Rodriguez, Chief of Alpha 66, linked to the murder of JFK, and others Miami;s Rats serving Castro murdered both Animal Control Officers of Washington Broro because they retaliations on my dogs for political reasons. And they did it. They murdered Gary and Betty, and they murdered my 6 German shepherds, includinbg Donald Trump, because this creiminal murdered Princess, the last surviving German shepherd
After the murder of Gary M. Wysocki and his wife Betty, both Animal Control officcer who oppossed retaliation against my dogs for political reasons, Kim Bennet was appointed the Animal Control Officer of Washinton Townshit
After I published the video Kim Bennett and the Killing of Puppy, Kim Bennett dropped "Bennett" and adopted her husband last name.
Gary M. Wysocki, the Animal Control Oficcer of Washinton Boro, NJ, 07882, was murdered on June 1, 2013, for oppossing the repeated attempts by FBI, CIA and Defense Intel to retaliate against my dogs for my postings in Internet, Facebook, Twitter criticizing Castro brothers and the secret support of US Intel for Castro.
After his death and the death of his wife Betty, murdered four month before, an who was an Animal Control Officer, too, CIA was free to take my dogs away from me, torture them and kill them.
Intel is attacking my computer to prevent me from investigating the details of the death of Gary M. Wysocki 63, of Washington Boro, who passed away suddenly on Saturday June 1, 2013.